What We Stand For
All In for Miller is a Non-Profit organization that will strive to be able to help hospitals, communities, and people in their struggles with improving the quality of life for children impacted by pediatric cancer, special needs, and potential medical requirements. All In for Miller will differ from other NPO’s because it will be based on relationships with patients. Not only is it about being able to provide financial support to families, it will also be with a relationship with them in an effort to let them know that there are other families that have walked challenging roads too.

Meet Miller
Miller Grover was just 17 months old when he was diagnosed. His smile still lives on through this community.
Why All In for Miller?
Be All In for Miller because you believe in making a difference to all of those impacted by Pediatric Cancer. We want to change the way the patients / families begin and end their journey into cancer. We want to be there to support the transition into the hospital, transition home, and support families everywhere in between.
For those of you that have fought fearlessly to overcome cancer, we understand that the battle doesn’t start or stop when you enter and leave a hospital. It continues to be something that you live through. Almost like a bad dream, but there is hope.
Hope is a powerful word that is deep inside of all of us. We all find something to hold onto when a level of uncertainty exists. Pediatric cancer has lots of ups and downs emotionally, physically, and financially. We want to be a support system that provides HOPE to those in need. We want families to remain STRONGER than ever, FAITH to exist, and HOPE to be present each and every day as patients, families, and doctors find their win each day.

April 11, 2013
Miller was Born
Miller Grover was born in Evans, GA on April 11th. He is the son of Alanda & Joe Grover and the brother to Mary Madison and Molly. He loved Mickey Mouse, Golf Cart rides, Balls, and watching his sister's play soccer.

September 11, 2014
Cancer Diagnosis
Miller Grover was diagnosed with a PNET, Primitive Neuro Ectodermal Tumor. Miller showed minimal symptoms from the tumor until about three days before he was admitted to the Children's Hospital of GA.
September 2014-May 2015
Miller Was Hospitalized
Miller was transported to the Children's Hospital of Atlanta on October 7th, 2014 where he was admitted to the Rehabilitation Floor. He began intense physical, occupational, and speech therapy in an effort to regain as much strength as he could before beginning his treatment protocol. Miller underwent three rounds of chemotherapy, two rounds of stem cell transplants with 2 rounds of chemotherapy, and six weeks of proton beam radiation. Miller remained in the hospital during his entire treatment protocol.
May 2015
Treatment Protocol Completed
Miller completed his treatment protocol with the six weeks of radiation and headed home from Houston, Texas. We continued MRI's every 3 months and were admitted back to the Rehabilitation Floor at CHOA to continue intense therapy to help Miller with swallowing, muscle tone, and regulation of daily medicine. Miller was accepted into Georgia's Babies Can't Wait program until the age of 3, where he received PT and OT three times a week at home through In Home Pediatric Therapy and speech twice a week.
April 2016
Miller Started Preschool
Miller turned 3 and was no longer eligible for Babies Can't Wait, so he began pre-school a few days a week for half days at Blue Ridge Elementary in Columbia County, Georgia. Miller loved school where he would receive additional therapy on top of his scheduled therapy through In Home Pediatrics. Miller enjoyed being around other kids and loved his teachers.

January 2017
Cancer Returned
Miller's MRI showed signs of possible metastasis and another brain surgery was scheduled. This time the tumor had metastasized to Miller's auditory canal and the doctor was able to remove a portion of the tumor to confirm his diagnosis with little side effects.

February 2017
Once the pathology report confirmed that Miller's brain tumor had returned, we discussed our options with our team of doctors. We were all in agreement that Miller's quality of life was more important than treating his brain tumor, so we decided to come home and Hospice was called.

April 25, 2017
Angel Wings
Miller Grover gained his angel wings two weeks after celebrating his 4th Birthday. A piece of our heart will always be missing but we know that he is no longer bound to a wheelchair or in any pain.

May 2018
All In for Miller Foundation Created
The All In for Miller Foundation was created to help hospitals, communities and people with their struggles with improving the quality of life for children impacted by pediatric cancer, special needs, and potential medical requirements. Miller's story continues to grow through helping other families through their journey.

September 2019
Inagural All In for Miller Golf Tournament and Gold Bows
All In for Miller sold Gold Bows for Pediatric Cancer Awareness throughout the CSRA in an effort to help bring awareness to this disease. We also hosted the Inaugural All In for Miller Golf Tournament at Champions Retreat in Evans, GA with a total of 27 teams.

November 2019
Senior Project
Mason Lily hosted her senior project golf event at Champions Retreat Golf Course. This was dear to Mason's heart as her own father lost his battle with brain cancer. She raised several thousand dollars and continues to support AIFM.

December 2019
Children's Hospital Partnership
In December 2019, the AIFM foundation established a fund with the Children's Hospital of Georgia with a donation of $25,000 to continue to provide support to families in need.

September 2020
Gold Bows
We expanded our Gold Bow Initiative selling over 400 bows and shipped them out to states across the county including, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Texas, Illinois, Alabama, Florida, Kansas, Connecticut, Virginia and Pennsylvania.

November 2020
All In for Miller 2nd Annual Golf Tournament
Our 2nd Annual All in For Miller Golf Tournament was a huge success. We registered over 35 teams and raised around $40,000 to help support local pediatric cancer patients and their families. Our tournament continues to grow year over year and our raises our ability to bring hope to more families.

November 2021
3rd Annual All In for Miller Golf Tournament
Our 3rd annual All in For Miller Golf was a huge success. We registered 35 teams and raised over $60,000 to help support local cancer patients and their families. Our tournament continues to grow year over year and we are blessed to have amazing sponsors that continue to support our cause.

June 2022
Virginia Golf Tournament
1st Annual AIFM Virginia Golf tournament was hosted at Creighton Farms. We had 24 teams play in the inaugural tournament and raised $48,000. This started the expansion of our cause beyond our local community.

October 2022
4th Annual All In for Miller Golf Tournament
The 4th annual AIFM Golf Tournament was hosted at Champions Retreat Golf Course. We registered 33 teams and raised over $50,000 to help support local cancer patients and their families.

June 2023
2nd Virginia Golf Tournament
We hosted the 2nd Annual Virginia AIFM Golf Tournament at Creighton Farms in Leesburg, Virginia. We had 22 teams registered and raised $55,000 to help support cancer patients and their families.

October 2023
5th Annual AIFM Golf Tournament
We hosted the 5th Annual AIFM Golf Tournament at Champions Retreat Golf Course. We had a record registration of 40 teams and raised over $100,000 to help support local cancer patients and their families.

June 2024
3rd Annual Virginia Golf Tournament
We hosted 30 teams at the 3rd Annual AIFM Virginia Golf Tournament at Creighton Farms in Leesburg, Virginia. We raised over $100,000 this year which was such a blessing.

All In for Miller Golf Tournament
The All In for Miller Golf Tournament is our biggest fundraising event of the year. Every fall, at the prestigious Champions Retreat Golf Course, local and out of town teams gather to help raise money for families that have been impacted by pediatric cancer. We use this event, not only to raise funds, but to invite and honor local pediatric cancer patients. Over the last 5 years we have registered over 160 teams, beating all of our expectations. Last year, we were honored to have special guest, Grant Lowell start the event by making the honorary tee off as the teams eagerly waited to take on the gorgeous course. The events success would not have been possible without the generosity of countless local sponsors who donated their time and money to make sure everything went smoothly. This year's event will be scheduled for October 21, 2024 and we're excited to continue to bring Hope and Support to those in need.
Meet the All In For Miller Family
Joe Grover
Co-Founder, Miller's Father
Alanda and I wanted to start All In for Miller because of all of the families we met, kids that we have seen, and the struggles that they all faced while fighting cancer. Being on the fighting side, we had so many people reach out to us in support of our Journey with Miller. There were numerous people that we met on the journey that did not have the same support and struggled. I want All In for Miller to be that support system and make the impact on Pediatric Cancer families, patients, and the adjustment back to home while not in the hospital. We identify ourselves by HOPE and LOVE because that is exactly what Miller was to us. #AllInforMiller
Alanda Grover
Co-Founder, Miller's Mother
Joe and I started All In for Miller because pediatric cancer not only impacts the patient, but the family. All In is a mindset that our family had to take on as we watched Miller fight through chemotherapy, two stem-cell transplants, numerous PT, OT and speech therapies, and the everyday challenges that were caused by his brain tumor. We had many highs and lows, but we made sure to focus on winning everyday. Sometimes a win was small, but it helped us fight even harder the next day. When he was diagnosed we had a doctor tell us that he had a 15% chance of survival. We decided that there were only two numbers in this battle, which were 0% and 100%. At that point we knew we were All In for Miller!
Mary Madison
Miller's Sister
All In for Miller to me means a lot of things. Miller was a very special little boy to me and he still is. Coming home from school and seeing his BIG smile was the greatest thing in the world. When I found out we were doing a foundation, I was excited because we are getting to raise money to help other families in need. All In for Miller is very special to me. My best memory with Miller was just spending time with him and watching Mickey Mouse. Seeing him laugh and Smile was the greatest!
Molly Grover
Miller's Sister
Some of my favorite memories I did with Miller was dressing him up in tutus and seeing him laugh before he got cancer. I also loved going on family golf cart rides with him. It was one of his favorite things to do before and after he got cancer. I’m really excited for All In for Miller because we get to raise money to help other families with a child that has cancer. I’m also excited for the foundation because I love helping other families and seeing the smiles on their faces. This is why I think that the All In for Miller foundation will be awesome.
Nancy Keller
Board Member
I am very honored to be a part of All In for Miller. I am happy to be able to help raise funds to support kids and families who are battling pediatric cancer. Providing resources and support to those families will hopefully help to lessen at least a small portion of the load that they carry during such an intense and emotional time. I am looking forward to being a part of a Foundation dedicated to making a difference!
Scott Johnson
Board Member
To say that Miller was “just one of the kids” would be extremely accurate yet grossly understated. The first time I met him and his family, I was struck by the normalcy of his special circumstances. Always on the sidelines of his sisters’ soccer games, always dressed to perfection, always smiling at everyone, as if everything was perfect. Although, his disease tried to hold him back, he wasn’t having any of that. He stood out and was always the brightest light in the crowd. You see, as much as he and his family tried, Miller wasn’t just one of the kids; he was a once in a lifetime kid that forever changed everyone that knew him. I am honored and excited to be a part of this Foundation that will continue to spread Miller’s smile, and fight.
Saxon Curry
Board Member
When I first met Miller, I had no idea how he would have a greater impact on my life than anything prior, he inspired me to be a part of something greater than any one person. I cannot wait to see where this Foundation goes and all of the great things we can accomplish together. I am honored to be working with such incredible people working hard to bring support and hope to families!
Susan Curry
Board Member
I am very honored and excited to be a part of All In for Miller! I could not think of a better way to honor Miller’s name than to help children and families in their time of need when resources may be scarce. Miller’s family was fortunate enough to have needed resources, but as a pediatric physical therapist, I see many families who cannot afford to travel to the best doctors or treatment facilities. I look forward to being a part of making a difference in people’s lives when they need it the most.
Ashley Jernigan
Board Member
It is a great honor and priviledge to be a part of the All In for Miller Foundation. My love for this amazing family has inspired me to help them grow their foundation and touch more families that are in need. Spreading faith, hope and love to pediatric cancer patients and their families through this foundation helps Miller's legacy live on. The impact that All In for Miller has on this community is proof of the immense impact that Miller had on this world, an impact that will continue to spread faith, hope and love to those that need it the most.
Families We have Helped...
Tanner Haywood
Tanner was diagnosed with Ewing sarcoma in 2015. He has battled through multiple relapses in the past 5 1/2 years that included several surgeries, chemotherapy & radiation treatments. Tanner has also fought to not let cancer define him. He graduated high school in 2019 with the dream of going away to college but unfortunately a battle this long takes quite a financial toll. We are so thankful for the generous support the All In for Miller Foundation provided our family. Without their support, we would not have been able to make Tanners dream of going away to college come true. Thank you again to the All in For Miller Foundation for coming along with us on this difficult journey. Your support, hope, & love will never be forgotten!!
Harkala Family
Filip was diagnosed at 4 months old with an aggressive form of a brain cancer known as Anaplastic Ependymoma. He went through series of treatments to stop the cancer from coming back but unfortunately in January 2020, he has relapsed. At that time, our doctors discussed with us clinical trials that Filip may qualify for and the Immunotherapy trial at Children’s Hospital of Augusta was one that appealed to us the most.
We live in the North East region of Pennsylvania and relocating to Georgia for few weeks was not an easy decision for our family, but we knew that this is something we have to do to help our child. When we were preparing for our trip, we have received a phone call from a social worker at CHOG who has informed us that two local charities want to help us with paying for our stay in Augusta and “All In for Miller” was one of them! To be honest, we didn’t expect this but it definitely helped us; not only financially but foremost it helped us to minimize the anxiety of leaving what we know- our home state to travel to a new place that we didn’t know much about. Knowing that there are kindhearted people like all of you who support this wonderful organization helped our family to take this huge step forward to continue to fight for our son’s life.
Kelly Family
I just want to say thank you and the ALL IN FOR MILLER organization for assisting us at this time of need. We really appreciate having someone that understands obstacles that may come along when you are having to care for a loved one while battling such a horrible illness.
Greyson Williams
I am the mother of Greyson Williams who was so blessed to turn the; "BIG 5" earlier this month!! I would like to express a HUGE HEARTFELT THANK YOU to ALL IN FOR MILLER FOUNDATION!!
My son Greyson is receiving rounds of chemo that started in February 2022. His treatment is slated to continue once a week over the next 18 months at (CHOA/AFLAC) Scottish Rite in Atlanta, Ga. Greyson also has Autism and a few other challanges so we are always on the move between clinic visits and therapies.As a single parent; there are moments when extra fun is not always financially possible. I mentioned swimming lessons to our amazing Aflac care team and here we are; adaptive swim lessons were funded to my; "AMAZING GREY" through your AMAZING foundation!!!
THANK YOU FROM OUR HEARTS for this gift of kindness. Greyson in on the move with an additional form of much needed therapy and summer fun because of you!!